Sunday, July 12, 2020

In the Sunset

~"Seeing Black & White" photography by the lovely and talented Susie Clevenger~

I used to spear ideas with my antenna. There--
Back of the white clouds stained gleaming
As the falling sun splashes saffron through the blue, 
They're swimming still.

My head used to be full of asphalt rules
Governing my going and coming, waiting
Like all fantasy roads, at the apartment parking lot
When I was fish and man.

And dry my tail has become, silent
Those wheels upon the strand, gone
To memory and habit and the disuse that spear,
Although, within the sunset,

The ideas are swimming still.

A wonderful image for this week's muse! I enjoyed writing to it, although I found myself revising away those lines that tended toward rage...that's not really what driving reminds me of (well, right now, EVERYTHING does). And there is the knowledge that, should I be fortunate enough to see a when-this-is-over timeline, there are places that I won't go again. And I'm tired of writing about it and thinking about it and dreaming about it. But I guess that's the whole point of the LOTR quote "There's some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for." Or remembering, if the fight is just remaining as contained as possible. 

Sharing today with The Sunday Muse and Poets and Storytellers United, hosts of wonderful poetry and conversation.

-- Chrissa


  1. I love the direction you went with the wonderful image Chrissa. I have always been inspired with poetry while driving but these days our lives have been under so much change. I feel that grip in your stunning poem.

  2. My goodness this is good!💝 I love; "spear ideas with my antenna," and "asphalt rules." Stunning use of language here, Chrissa!💝

  3. I especially like your closing lines.

  4. I used to call driving on business trips "think tank time", and kept a little hand recorder nearby to capture idle thoughts (and poems)! Your words reminded me of those times.

  5. I really love the implications of being both "fish and man". How different the world would be, if we all realize that we aren't always the same all the time...

    I'm right there with you, in your note--I'm tired of so many things. In the beginning of the mess, I was certain I would not write about it... But now, seeing and experiencing (and dreaming about) the current state of things, not writing about seems like an impossibility. So, might as well let it out. Write it out?

  6. Driving with the top down on my 20 year old car is the ultimate escape, before, during and hopefully when this nightmare ends. Your poem is wonderfully alive with driving/vehicle references. What a gift this morning.

  7. Your closing lines in each stanza are perfect. This kind of stuff is why I always love coming here.

    Btw, does Arthur write any poems? Asking for my dog!

    1. LOL, Arthur is 100% nerve. He might vibrate poetry?

  8. I find a note of hopefulness in that the ideas are swimming still, even if the antenna/ spear isn't being used.

    Yeah, I find my thoughts drifting towards rage easily too some days. Rage is a somewhat better companion than despair though.

    1. I try to remind myself that FB is evil and that I shouldn't let it wind me up. :)

  9. Don't let those dreams stop! And if you want them again you have kept them where you could find. I'm with Helen, I have always had some relief, serially, my Vespa scooter, my Honda motorcycle, and now since 2001 a '98 Ford Mustang GT Convertible. Just me, out and around finding my sanity again.

    1. It's odd, because I'd think that's what I'd be doing...but I just end up curled up in a corner. Radio and empty roads would probably be good therapy.

  10. I don't doubt the ideas will continue to swim, and will still be reachable.

  11. I love your take on my photo. It's hard to live in dead still with no idea when you can start moving again. I struggle with the not knowing. I too write a lot about the anger of pandemic. It is therapy for me. Otherwise I'd just hold it all in or scream when I should be singing. Thank you so much for writing!

    1. The image was awesome. I like the way the images echo.

  12. There is no need to stop being ourselves so long as we avoid everyone else, we see them but which one is the unseen enemy?

  13. Great last line and I love "As the falling sun splashes saffron through the blue"

  14. Luv your resonance of movement and harnessing movement, in the confiniment of driving an sorting thoughts and ideas


  15. i love your poem. it's about a merman. that's very different. cheers!

  16. I love the escape of swimming and dreaming of the possibilities that are yet to unfold.

  17. "I used to spear ideas with my antenna" -- fantastic! And this: "When I was fish and man." Wonderful.

  18. I like the image of spearing ideas and the thought of being both fish and man...

  19. "asphalt rules" and "spearing ideas" are such vivid images.
