Thursday, May 28, 2020

Look Out! the Window

It's another chance to go to Oz but I don't have the fare.
Whatever coin it takes, the wind just shoves the patio furniture
Across the concrete, beneath the grill, into the yard
Where it would be an emerald jungle except for the always-organized
They don't have time for the fantasy and they don't care
For this explanation of the flooding, that there are doors that open
With a twist and if you have the bravery to run right
Into the storm so that it wrings the sunlight out of you, brighter.

Inspired by the wild weather yesterday and by Carrie's Wednesday WordCrafters prompt (either look at the window where you are OR a photo of a woman taking a pill containing butterflies). Maybe tomorrow I'll tackle the pill full of butterflies? 

-- Chrissa


  1. I love the combination of reality and fantasy you have woven together here Chrissa! The idea of having the sunlight wrung out of you brighter, is imagery at it's finest. That storm was intense and you have captured it poetically as only a true poet could!

    1. I have two google accounts....don't ask me how I managed that....just realized I am logged into the other one. LOL
