Sunday, September 1, 2019

Captain, Why?

Photography by Svetlana Belyaeva click HERE for website.

I've made myself
walk the plank,

Let the ocean rise to meet me
Let the land rush beneath to the sands
I believe the plastic will catch me
We have built a new continent
A safety-coated landmass
Of bath toys...we've always
Been afraid of the water
Even when it was us.

I've made myself 
walk the plank,

Sharing this week with The Sunday Muse & inspired by Ms. Belyaeva's lovely image, above...there's more joy in the image than the poem, I think. It's been a long time since I did something for the reckless joy of the fall. :)

-- Chrissa


  1. I love the beauty of the rush of risk in the beginning that leads to the safe and true reality and then still a leap at the end. I fell off a slide near the top once when I was a child and since I have been afraid of heights and falling. It knocks the air right out of you and the feeling of the fall is worse than in a roller coaster. So yes, reckless abandonment is not my thing....not when it comes to leaping. LOL

  2. I made myself walk the plank... facing fear head on even though "we've always / been afraid of the water" I love how the water rises to meet you rather than let you fall.

  3. The image of a continent made of plastic we've fed into the ocean is so vivid.

  4. Plastic landmass - our new creation. Ugh. I like how you leap and expect the water to catch you.

  5. Love this, Chrissa! A leap onto a mass of plastic. That will keep you afloat!

  6. Sometimes we just have to make the leap..Love this!
