Monday, August 10, 2020

There're Other Passions, Y'all

 I don't want to be a writer, anymore. 

Nothing changes on the edges of the horizon

I'm not the person I wanted to be

I gave her up before I left high school

Frightened of the world that was becoming

The horizon faster than film in a rocket

There's nothing left to say that others won't

There's nothing left to see in the sealed backyard

Grass grown too long, weeds in the beds

Spiderwebs skimming rainbows from the dawn

There's nothing left for me to say

Hermetically sealed in the pandemic.

1 comment:

  1. If I'm being honest, this has been totally me at some points during this pandemic. I'm out the other side of it and on fire for a couple of big projects, but I know that with times being are as insane as they are, there's a good chance I'll need a bit of mental health break again at some point.
