Thursday, July 4, 2019

Day and Dream and Breathe

There is no way to explain the heat
That is breath and force
Slow, humid. Bullying. The way the air 
Ripples over a grill
And you know you're melting 
The atmosphere, there's too much water in it here.
Cool isn't a thing you do
A thing you find
Cool is stasis, the way water holds you
The way you stare down toward the bottom of the pool
Letting your body finally lay in the heaviness
Rigid and almost sinking
Caught between one thing and another
Daydreams hatching feral at twilight
Heat pinching you to keep you awake
Water drifting you over concrete
All the pale concrete
You're like a thought on a heat wave
Your toes pointed, arms submerged
Gasping for inflation
Eyes stinging in the blue
Drifting over the concrete

Sharing with The Sunday Muse for the prompt on things to do to cool off. I'm partial to finding a pool and floating around with a good book, but will settle for a glass of iced tea, a quiet corner, and the book. 

-- Chrissa


  1. I think we both found heat to be a bully Chrissa. Love how you described it so amazingly! I too am partial to a pool and floating around but I am so clumsy and the book may get wet. LOL

  2. Wonderful how you describe heat, like a bully. I always say the heat is hostile but I like you description better. It is hard keeping cool in such weather. I just stay indoors and hope for the best!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I loved the imagery in this poem, particularly "daydreams hatching feral at twilight" and "Water drifting you over concrete"

  5. "Letting your body finally lay in the heaviness:... and "heat pinching you". Wonderful description of the heated and humid days of summer.
