Saturday, February 20, 2021



It was empty; wood floors varnish slick
You could turn up the volume 
Slide across the surface like a video

Walls caught you
Limbs caught you

Now--it's empty again, walls
Whiter where the sunlight 
Slides across their face like a video

Chiaroscuro once,
Chiaroscuro twice

Lay the memories out, wrap them
Like the final clinch
Before the click as the lights come up

So. This past week has been--for us--less bad than for others. However. Fine has a finite tensile strength and the fraying has begun. I may take a break for a few weeks and see if things get better. 

I hope you have an excellent week and the words run fizzy as champagne. Cheers and good wishes!

-- Chrissa


  1. Breaks every now and then are good .... you certainly left us with one doozy of a spectacular poem! Wow oh Wow.

  2. I certainly understand the fraying! Sometimes things do look better from a distance! You left us with a great poem, however.

  3. "Chiaroscuro once,
    Chiaroscuro twice" - very cool.

  4. I am so loving this poem my friend! I do understand the need for a break. I am feeling those same feelings. This last week was draining in every way.

  5. Excellent piece. Love the poetry in the footnote as well: “Fine has a finite tensile strength and the fraying has begun.”

  6. It makes me imagine all that has gone on in this room. Hope you feel the fraying mending soon.

  7. It's nice to have an empty, of humans, gym floor. Chiaroscuro, I have had cataract surgery ten days ago in my left eye, with the right scheduled for Thursday. I am seeing the light rays so well, the blues are beautiful, the lettering is crisp. Chiaroscuro again!
    I hope you will forgive me today, I was practicing writing, bad job though, Gothic Fiction Poetry.

  8. A room with tales to tell!
    A break can be very helpful.
