Saturday, February 1, 2020

It Was a Joke

Oh, it was a joke that afternoon. We were singing
About our tombs, the way you do, go along with whatever
Fizzes through the radio. Our tombs and who
Would come with keys. And Ann laid down,
And Beth laid down, and Carol, stumbling, after.

Wisdom croaks with keys, he sang
As we lay on the pavement
Axles passed and the ground shook
As we lay in amazement--

Oh, it was a joke that afternoon. We four, shopping.
Ravens were already calling as we were singing along.
I fell asleep on that asphalt, tarry and warming
We were still humming and the words echoed
Our names. He said the keys were coming!
Ann, Beth, Carol and I, cast fast in our sunning.

Sharing with The Sunday Muse and with Poets and Storytellers, where one can find weekly poetry goodness!

So, setting an unreasonable set of writing goals in lieu of New Year's Resolutions. :) There's a local author event coming up (in May) and I'm determined to have three additional books ready by then (one poetry book, one novella, one novel) that respond to three writing goals (one standalone poetry chapbook, actually finishing a story begun several years ago, and finally getting a book done in the fantasy world in which I've been noodling). Goals, right? 

Hope you're having a wonderful week! 

-- Chrissa


  1. It sounds like a lot of goals and yet you still had time to write this for the Sunday Muse. I enjoyed the Humpty Dumpty feel in the first verse. So glad, you joined in the fun.

  2. This is like a real life fairy tale riddle Chrissa. I love the mysterious feel it has. Stunning and fascinating! You can make your goals. I have faith in your amazing talent. May will be awesome!

  3. My puzzlement wavered from verse to verse in this one. First i thought, yeah got this, then i thought, hmmm then i thought need to read again

    Happy Sunday Chrissa


  4. Here's hoping you accomplish those goals, Chrissa!💝 May will be marvelous!

  5. Songs about tombs brew all sorts of imagery. I like it.

    Three books! I am so very impressed (and slightly jealous, too.

  6. Good luck with your plans for May. I found this write a puzzlement, but you four seem to be enjoying the day!

  7. I can see the lot of them, having a merry time. You have amazing goals. Let us know how it goes.

  8. Wow. Humpty Dumpty, alright, but it's no joke to get run over by the cars that come! I doubt these three will get to stand up again--if I follow the poem right. How heedlessly we laugh through the choices we have!

  9. I make it a policy never to differ with crows. What they say goes!

  10. I enjoyed this somewhat mysterious piece and wonder if it is really an episode in one of your stories. Good luck with all the goals!

  11. I like your goals, Chrissa, much better than goals. I don't do either but if forced it would be goals.
    I tell people that I've done everything that I need to do, most things I wanted to do, and enough of the things my spouse would like me to do. Of course I am old. Our last cruise was from Dubai to Cape Town, next should be from Ft Lauderdale to Barcelona; meandering and stopping along the way.

  12. oh wow these are big goals Chrissa You are good. Your story like poem is a bit of a riddle

  13. A puzzling poem. May you be successful in those ambitious goals.

  14. Love your poem. Reminded me of my youth, my friends. Thanks for sharing your writing goals. You inspire me. I've had a draft of a biography on my desk for a year. How dare I even admit that? But it's true.

  15. Wow.. love your goals and good luck to you! I can't seem to focus long enough to get one chapbook done!

  16. O Chrissa, that was fun. Probably passing bottle or two of wine around, went to sleep on the second. Been there, sort of. Maybe the last song played over and over the rest of the night. Or it was inside a place they called a coffee house, a small crowd lined around sitting in a big room, again passing bottles of wine. The loading docks were loaded, little music groups would play. Could be too, under a tree in the park. ZZTOP got there start doing that here in Houston.
    I also have three books in mind, a historical novel, finish with a new start a chapter of the Bible setting, and my memoirs. Only the last has anything on paper, i.e. digitally.
    I have had thoughts for headstones but then I forget them.
    Thank you for visiting my write.
