Sunday, November 24, 2019


"After the Rain" by Cyril Rolando

What I want to ask is why my jasmine has turned brown
Where the green
Reaching became sallow

What I want to ask is why my ideas are infestations
Why what if
Then stunted these fairy hills and trees

What I want to ask
Is why should I
Take your word
For any of it?

Sharing today with The Sunday Muse and Poets United. So...this week finds me a little burnt out. The NaNo novel was drafted--but I find myself souring on it, feeling guilty about that, and then remembering that this is why I seldom finish NaNo anymore. How many unfinished novels will safely fit under one bed?

-- Chrissa


  1. Good questions. I suspect the answers may be difficult to find.

  2. That's exactly it.. why should we take their word for it?❤️

  3. There are so many questions looking for answers (but I think that some answers will always be better of hidden)

  4. I love the stunted fairy hills and trees. Nice.

  5. "my ideas are infestations" - it does feel like this sometimes, doesn't it. I truly love the ending here.

  6. Oh, you definitely shouldn't. Your own word is the one that matters.

  7. The questions don't matter. All that matters is how you answer.

  8. Everything you write is exquisite Chrissa! I love the questions to ponder here! And yes some questions can only be answered by ourself.

  9. Never take anything at face value CHRISSA. Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see.

  10. I like NaNoWriMo in theory. But if the rules start to hamper my muse instead of help, I toss them away and try something else. I find being flexible in my approach can coax new buds of ideas into blooming.

  11. ... I guess we have to do things for ourselves, in our own time - I'm not sure true creativity can bloom otherwise...

  12. Never take anyone's word except your own. Wonderful, Chrissa!

  13. The important thing in writing is to enjoy it. Once the moaning starts it is time to have a break because there is nothing better than having the urge to write and you find you are even missing meal times as you hone your poem or story to perfection.
