Wednesday, December 16, 2020

WordCrafters Wednesday Prompt

WordCrafters Wednesday Prompt: White Christmas/Holiday/New Year/Calendar of Days

Calendar of Days 

By book, by title, by shirts hung, by towels folded
by words written, by photos taken, by photos printed,
by birthdays, by holidays--secular and sacred.

By calls to my parents, by calls from my nephew.

By post, by like, by share. By meltdown,
by panic attack, by late night, by nightmare,
by number of Disney shows watched 
after midnight.

By candles burned, by notebooks filled, by 
scones eaten, by the wheel of daily medication,
by walks in the park.

By the days beyond 2020. 

Please note--the image is from Pexels (Bich Tran: Writing in a Planner)...maybe 2021 is the year I'll embrace the bullet journal. Probably not, though. Are there that many things I need to track? If you bullet journal, what are your best tips for doing more than one month at a time? 

I'm not a stats person, but this is my last WordCrafters post for the year, so here are a few stats:
  • 63 books read 
  • Favorite poetry books: Somewhere to Come From (L. Lewis), Every Song Is My Mother's Arms (C. Van Horn), We Were All Someone Else Yesterday (Omar Holmon)
  • 4 novella drafts 
  • 100 poems blogged
Because the majority of this wouldn't be possible with this group, a huge thank you to everyone and a crazy Muppet cheer for Carrie for everything that she's done--those poems listed above? From Carrie's prompts. The fact that we're still meeting, despite lacking a library building and in the middle of a pandemic is down to Carrie's amazing ability to overcome, not to mention her creating and maintaining The Sunday Muse for weekly prompts and poetry community. An entire cast of Muppet cheers! Yea, Carrie!!

I'm not ready for goals for 2021. I'm working on a Bastian Creek fable & re-reading Art & Fear. 2020 finally revised my go-to anxiety dream:  it's now realizing that I've been shopping & am not wearing a mask. I'm glad that there are still Christmas lights in the neighborhood.

Thanks for being part of this blog. 

-- Chrissa


  1. I love your prompt choice Chrissa, and how you filled and described the moments from secular to sacred and candles burned and notebooks filled. It is wonderful and gives us a close glimpse into your quarantine 2020. Thank you so much my friend for all your sweet appreciation! Truth is, it is you and all the Word Crafters that inspire me and make keeping Word Crafters virtually going an honor and blessing! Thank you for your loyalty , kindness, and inspiring poetry! 🤩 (100 poems blogged) that is amazing my friend!!

  2. Your stats are quite impressive! I journaled in a “quasi bullet style” during the last seven years of my mother’s life. That was enough. I do keep track of my schedule, such as it is these days, on a calendar in our kitchen. I enjoyed the rhythm of your poem .. busy lady. Happy Holidays!
