Thursday, April 11, 2019

Blank Space Where My Thoughts Should Be

It's a risky day for building,
Constructing a city from rags and motion.
You'll light it with whatever sparks
In the dark of your eyelids
And find the wires for the paintbox
Trailing thunderheads like tentacles.
Advertise in sting and explosion--
Connect it to the skyrise
Up where some cloud
Already palm-printed the blue.
If you're going to dream,
Today you'll build us cities of rain.

Sharing today with The Wednesday Muse for a prompt on rain. :) 

-- Chrissa


  1. "You will light it with whatever sparks in the dark of your eye lids" what a vision, and it makes me think of how in our thoughts and eyes closed we sometimes get our greatest ideas for writing and poetry. Wonderful as always Chrissa!

  2. So thought provoking, Chrissa. The idea of building cities of rain . . . such a concept . . :)

  3. I love the cloud palm-printing the blue.....and building cities of rain. Very cool.
