Wednesday, September 2, 2020

WordCrafters Wednesday Prompt

 Your Favorite Month

The climate is changing. You won't see any migrations. 
Cities don't. So it is warmer, maybe, than it used to be.
Would you notice? I'm older. The a/c  is needed
through December but the heat soaks in rather rolling
down my back. But my favorite month remains
a smudge of September shading into October. 
I believe in the sweater illustrations.
Well, they sit on the altar September creates
next to school photos and the time 
 before Halloween, when all the holidays 
are just over the horizon, a few weeks, a few days, away.
Anticipation rises like sugar, unfurling in the gut.
As moonflowers bloom on the umbrella skeleton
you'll note the large moths that don't arrive
by these illustrations in an old book of my dad's,
careful of the pages slipping away from the dried glue.
We'll keep our traditions, but the world won't.
This year, I might plant some hair
for all the grief, to grow the spirits another body
underneath the moonflowers, for ghosts ripe for 
Halloween. Or just for the vines, 
to make them easier to plait.


  1. I LOVE this! It is rich with visuals, colors, the feel of seasons slipping one into another. Your ending is stellar!

  2. Yes the flow is so wonderfully done here. Seasons, moments we celebrate, and the feeling they evokes. I can see it through your eyes. Gorgeous Chrissa!
