Sunday, December 2, 2018

Season of the Queen

Filtered sunlight is pouring through the cages
Beneath Wal-Mart's skylights; I close my eyes
Anchored but shifting in this slow line
When a voice slips over my shoulder.

She loves the way hazelnuts taste in the snow.
They taste like lumber to her; she imagines
Devouring all the towns below us.

I glance back; he adjusts his tuxedo cuff,
Smiles--stiffly--reaches out,
Tap-dancing his fingernail
Along the rim of my Nutella.
His hands are empty but I smell roses,
Frost, the way a garden might, frozen
Beyond glass doors, apart from a ball.

She's never understood chocolate;
Too brittle by the time she swallows...
Nothing ever melts on her lips.

I nod. Some people just don't like chocolate,
Like some people shop in tuxedos, some in PJs.
I'm in shorts in the middle of December.
He stares at the bottles and boxes
Jerking down the conveyor, eyes dark.
It hits everyone, I think, in the line.
An existential question just before they're
Committed, supplies flowing toward check-out.

His voice shivers down my shoulders.
She's deposed but we're still getting married.
She doesn't call me Kay anymore...I miss it,
Oddly. You'd think love was being seen 
But with her love might have been 
Becoming frosted beneath her gaze
With all the dreams she's had since time
Woke starlight to rim the darkness 
Of her eyes. I was never Kay 
Except for her, in the cold.

When he smiles, I want to strike a match,
To light the mini candles in the shelves;
To commit votive arson for fear and fairy tales.

She didn't let me shop for years
But we're out of salt.

He sets a large blue box behind the Nutella.
I pay for it, goosebumps on my calves,
Telling myself the a/c is confused by seasons
Out of sequence, broken as rhymes in line
As he continues to speak of love
And the way the world might freeze
If she loved it half as much as him.

Sharing with Poets United and The Sunday Muse, image linked from The Sunday Muse. Hope everyone's December has begun as it's 80 degrees just up the road from Houston and not feeling all that seasonal yet but the dogs are happy for the sunshine (they're converting it into nap-onium as we speak) and...yeah...that's the way the week begins. 

-- Chrissa


  1. Wow. So much here. I never get such specific dictation from the muse. I love the set up. A lot can happen in the grocery line. I always wonder how much hectic traffic there would be if we could read other's thoughts in bubbles over their heads. I love the part about the urge to light the candles for to ward off fairy tales, or see them better in the dark. I image there really was a man in a tuxedo that might have set you imagination off.

  2. Well i live in a clime of all year Summer. To quot one our calypsosians "Summer ka done" so you shopping attire is no surprise, but what is delightful is i know not whether the other shoppers are bits of your fantasy or real and its all good. Enjoyed 'Season of The Queen' Though i wouln'd want an Ice Queen to freeze up my December

    Thanks for dropping by my sumie Sunday today

    much love...

  3. I love your imagination, Chrissa! This is really cool and many clever lines found in the check out line.

  4. Sigh ❤️ this was such an enjoyable read, Chrissa! 😍 I'll be back for several readings! ❤️

  5. First, I need to say that I had a blast reading this one aloud. I kept on laughing at myself, while I read it, because my voice for him was a bit dreamy (no idea why).

    I really love how the two voice, so different from each other, fit so well together. Like in relationships, where we don't have to be the same, just give all of what we have to the other... in order to make the fairy tale not explode.

  6. An interesting tale, Chrissa. We are still in fall sunshine here, too, must unseasonal. Hard not to enjoy it, with the rest of the country so cold, but I worry for the rainforest - it needs rain! And we arent getting any.

  7. My goodness you can weave a story...truly imaginative we were too cold and snowy for November and December has show a bit of reprieve but I am sure not for long.


  8. Some wonderfully clever lines in this absorbing 'Season of the Queen' yarn.

  9. I don't know where to begin to comment, Chrissa So much depth in this poem. One thing that comes to mind is --I don't know who would not like chocolate. And, ha, as for shopping in PJ's, I don't get THAT either. Smiles.

  10. Oh, I love this sequel to and alternative version of the story! You make me believe him. And how perfect to encounter him in the everyday of the check-out line. (Smile.)

  11. So so enjoyed the details and entertained myself. Delicious words.

  12. A wonderfully written tale that is both magical and matter of fact. I love this Chrissa!!

  13. I love the blending of their voices. A modern fairytale!
