Sunday, December 16, 2018

Holiday Spirits/At the Goblin Fireside

Under the waterglass, where I step into the shear street,
Smooth and deep and bright, there is a fire in the window
Glowing deep as chill, oncoming night--

At the goblin fireside, wrapped in scarves and stories,
Voices flicker in the window, telling tales strong as liquor
Against the frozen burn of oncoming night.

I have lost my way to Christmas, muffled are the bells,
But the blue flames of goblins, their fell, fey angels circling
Like a flock before oncoming night...

Here there are no lost princesses, no hidden heirs, only
Fey angels singing quests above the silent city bells
Deep within oncoming night.

In the old city, on a floor reflected high above
The stones, I hear those snowbound angels tuning
Their voices of oncoming night.

Linking up with Poets United and The Sunday MuseIt is variously chilly, warm, and stormy here just north of Houston. Holiday plans dangle on the whims of storms and, lately, I have been more inclined to sit on the couch and brood rather than actively enjoy the season. Except for Christmas lights, which I enjoy as often as I can. That's probably one of the reasons I enjoy this picture, where the colors are just a bit heightened in the reflection, as if the building is trying on something warmer or dreaming about it. 

I'm also starting to build my 2019 TBR, so if anyone has suggestions for good books to read (your book?), please let me know in the comments. :) Hoping this finds everyone at the beginning of a good week!

-- chrissa


  1. Lovely... I especially enjoyed:
    "angels tuning
    Their voices of oncoming night." I will be back for more....

  2. I love the whole idea of a goblin fireside! And those fey angels, snowbound. I am broody too, these days, Being the Observer.

    1. I feel that observing can be an overlooked art; also, pondering. Times to recoup.

  3. I love the picture that comes to mind as I read the second stanza, a storybook to sip oneself warm with.

    I just added Fierce Fairytales: Poems and Stories to Stir Your Soul, by Nikita Gill, to my own 2019 list. I've already read a few pages (I am weak, so I couldn't wait!) and it's yummy.

    1. I'm dedicating the last part of December to reading first chapters/samples & I've just added Fierce to my list. :) Thanks!

  4. I'd like to spend time by a goblin fireside wrapped in stories too! That sounds like a lovely way to spend a cold evening.

    Hmm... I spent a lot of 2018 playing catch up on classics that I missed reading earlier in life. Watership Down by Richard Adams, We Have Always Lived in a Castle by Shirley Jackson, and Dragonsbane by Barbra Hambly jump to mind. I'm definitely stealing Magaly's suggestion because I just finished reading a book of poetry by the same author, and I really enjoyed it.

    1. Love Barbra Hambly & found Dragonsbane lurking in the very back of our shelves. Adding it to my winter reading!

  5. Wonderful as always, Chrissa! Wishing you a joyous season.

    1. Thanks! Wishing you a warm & joyous season as well.

  6. I understand losing one's way to Christmas. I think this happens to many of us this time of year!

    1. There are those detours you may not have meant to take, I agree. :)

  7. Hark! You have written a new Christmas story.

  8. Excellent read Chrissa, really engaging...
    "I have lost my way to Christmas"
    I love that line and for me, I am reading several different meanings.
    Merry Christmas!

  9. The lead up to Christmas is not without its obstacles.

    Good holiday reading
    1 Driving Over Lemons Chris Stewart
    2 A Parrot in a Pepper Tree Chris Stewart
    3.You will have to look this one up..

    This is a trilogy I bought the second one today because I enjoyed the first one so much.
    Merry Christmas and best Wishes for the New Year.

    1. These sound both cozy and escapist--perfect. Thanks & Merry Christmas to you as well.

  10. magical tale! enjoyed the read.
    Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!

  11. My kind of fantasy. Lovely poem Chrissa.
    Happy you stopped bh my sumie Sunday this week.
    Please drop by 25 Dec 2018 -January 5 2019 for The 12 Days of Christmas Festival

    Merry Christmas


  12. An awesome title … love that 'goblin fireside'. What a wonderful image to hang this dreamy mix of reflection and fantasy upon. You took this piece is a very cool direction - and I enjoyed reading it, very much.

  13. " I have lost my way to Christmas."....what a beautiful and insightful line that I think rings true for many hearts these days. This is both magical and wise Chrissa!!

  14. Lovely warm, cosy images, albeit viewed from 'outside'.

    I just read and loved 'Cassandra' by Aussie novelist Kerry Greenwood. My books? If you fancy reading some poetry (including a few collaborations I've done with various terrific women poets) search my name on both Amazon and Smashwords .

  15. I love the idea of a Goblin Fireside. Beautiful poem.
