Monday, January 18, 2016

Provisional Projection (Magpie #302)

Oh, you see the real skin; I hold it,
Flesh of my life, on silver and sparks.
Art is humanity on this tray, backwards
So you can sneak forward, silent, to her.
I won't look.

But you will, eyes parsing treat from table
It becomes real when you swallow: tears, or
Words, or that disgust you suppress
Because all you can imagine, briefly,
Is unzipped.

image courtesy Magpie Tales


  1. I like the swallowing images. Nicely done.

  2. I enjoyed this ~~ second line is my favorite.

  3. Men are always undressing us with their eyes and making the mistake of not taking us seriously in this world. We must keep letting them know it's wrong and we are more!

  4. I like how you see the mirror as a tray...serving up humanity...excellent...

  5. "Art is humanity on this tray"...what an amazing line C. I love this!!
